Tuesday, May 5, 2015


    The Left has pulled out the "Race Card." An' the "Religion Card." The "Religion Card" was brought out soon after the 2008 Presidential election by Obama and his Administration. Now the "Race Card" has been drawn by Obama and the Race Baiting Church of Al Sharpton. They are using this card to stir UP and cause RIOTS.
  Note:  If Sarah Palin doesn't run 'just to say.' If it were Senator Ted Cruz vs Hillary Clinton. If the Left gets a little anxiety brewing in their minds of the thought that Hillary can lose. Then comes out the "Gender Card." Hillary wins by a landslide. Sarah Palin knows this all to well when it comes to the what I call "The Left Trickery." Sarah Palin knows it has to be woman vs woman. Sarah Palin is "READY FOR HILLARY. ARE YOU? ARE YOU COMING?" A quote from Sarah Palin @IowaFreedom Summit.
Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

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