Monday, May 11, 2015

The Birth of a good seed!

1989! A Political Force was born from Wasilla Alaska. A small town Mayor by the name, Sarah Palin. This Political Force wanted more for the People of Wasilla. She decided to run for Governor. She had critics as speed bumps along the way.  But, by the end of the last day of the election. She won by a landslide. Silenced her critics to complete mute state. When in the Governor office of Alaska. She's taken down her own Party and BIG Oil Companies for corruption. She gave back to the People of Alaska that her own Party and BIG Oil Companies was benefiting from their greed. That wasn't enough for this Political Force. She decided to make a VP run with Senator John McCain. If you can do GREAT for one State. Why not give that same benifit to a whole nation? That's what was in the mind of this Political Force. That question. Ever since she walked into the Political Arena as Senator John McCain's running mate.  She's been putting the "FEAR" in the Hearts and minds of Liberals, Lying RINOS and even the terrorists 24/7. This Political Force isn't done yet. She's gearing up for a 2016 Presidential run.

Note: I'll be the first one to tell you. She will win POTUS by beyond a landslide. She is what our Creator calls "The good seed."

Here's a Biblical reference to describe this Political Force by the name of,  Sarah Palin.

Mathew 7:16,17

16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

This Political Force by the name of, Sarah Palin. Bears good fruit. She's definitely guided by our Creator himself.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin


  1. You are off by a few years..It is said that a Conservative political star was born in 1964 when Ronald Reagan gave the iconic A Time for Choosing speech...But 8 months before the Conservative star of today was born-->>Sarah Heath..

    1. It's speaking of her Political career since mayor. That's where it all began.
