Friday, April 10, 2015

It's finally here!

The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived. Hillary Clinton is set on announcing/launching her 2016 Presidential campaign tomorrow according to CNN. CNN is right.  She is in fact announcing her candidacy tomorrow. This is when Sarah Palin will finally announce her candidacy. Forget the other Candidates like, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They don't have a choice to withdraw their Presidential 2016 bid. They know they cannot beat Hillary Clinton. One reason "Gender Card." It has to be Sarah Palin from our side of the aisle. Like Wild Bill for America said " Two women and one Destiny." He's right.  It's has to be woman vs woman. Palin vs Clinton.

Note: keep an eye on Sarah's Facebook profile, Twitter and her Channel. Because the Media will ignore Sarah's notable Announcement.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin


  1. Palin will never run. She is incompetent. She cannot answer unrehearsed questions.
    She will make her very foolish supporters think she is considering a run just to make are money. She has fooled her supporters at least 3 times, but takes the money and backs out. She has no shame. Now she has a puppet to spread her ignorance in Bristol latest trial daddy!

    1. I feel sorry for you, "carol".

    2. Carol, by your complete ignorance you truly embody the low information voter. And you probably believe that Rand Paul and/or Jeb Bush are viable candidates. Why don't you try opening your mind, finding out exactly what they stand for and how insightful they are.. You do this and you'll see that Jeb is a RINO definitely not conservative in his views at all, and Rand is very questionable in a lot of his views on both domestic issue as well as foreign policy.. I think maybe the light bulb is getting a little dim, and needs to be changed..

  2. Palin will never run. She is incompetent. She cannot answer unrehearsed questions.
    She will make her very foolish supporters think she is considering a run just to make are money. She has fooled her supporters at least 3 times, but takes the money and backs out. She has no shame. Now she has a puppet to spread her ignorance in Bristol latest trial daddy!

    1. you have to be talking about Obama. Anita Dunn told the media before she left the white house. They never did a meeting with the media that they did not have 100 control off. Sarah Palin was put with the enemy. Why was she not interviewed by friendly press. Instead of those gotca question.. The people controlling Palin allowed her to interview with Katie Couric and di it over a whole week period. When Palin told Nicole the interview went badly Nicole told Palin she had done a great job. They were not even smart enough to get a video of the interview so it allowed Couric to do a splice and dice with. If you think Palin did bad look at Couric's interview with Biden. There were several times Biden stumbled and Couric coached him. If Palin had wasted the money she collected do you think Obama's people would not be on that. They would be on her like white on rice. So smarten up and use something better. What about all the money Obama raised. Do you have different rules for different people. Anyone who sent money to ?Sarah Palin did so because they wanted to. We want Sarah to run we are waiting on her.

  3. Sarah Palin has never fool any anyone. She sure as hell didn't do it to get money. She has use money she has gotten to get other candidates elected. That is someone not thinking of herself. .If she was like most of the other candidates she would have thought only of herself. If I had been Sarah Palin I would walked away from it all. I feel in my heart Sarah Palin was not only done wrong by the left and those that put Obama in power she was done wrong by the GOP elite. When I heard mother Bush say she hoped Sarah would go back to Wasilla and stay there. It made me sick. She was a woman who had been the VP candidate being told by a former mother and wife of a presidential candidate that she should disappear. Why because she wanted her son to be the next president and it didn't matter what Sarah Palin had been put through. It make me sick. Palin had been made out to be stupid not by what she said but by what a person on Saturday night live had said. That her child had a child out of wedlock but how many families have not had the same thing touch their lives. Obama talked about having 57 states and the media covered for him. When he talked about his muslim faith the media covered for him. Could any of us Imagine that this country would look like it looks now. We have someone in the white house that does not belong who was never vetted. He was given a free pass by the media but why did the GOP give him a free pass. Why did they not demand he be vetted. Even today the news on Obama is only what Obama wants us to know. Why have they not looked into the sheriffs report on Obama birth certificate. Why hasn't the GOP demanded to hear it. We have an enemy of America in the white house. Truth is Palin took on corruption in her own party in Alaska and they were now able to get back at her for it. Palin is for small government Bush is for large. What Jeb did in Florida before coming governor it beats me how he ever became governor. Regular folks land in Jail for the same thing. Palin is far from incompetent. Those running Palin in the McCain camp did her wrong and got away with it . They set her up with Katie Couric to do interview for over a week long without getting a copy of the interview. So when they spliced and diced they would have had proof of it. They set Palin up. I am now convinced of it . The GOP used Palin to fill their coffers after the election but the year of the presidential convention before the election Sarah Palin was not there and why no they were afraid Romney was such a weak candidate they were afraid Sarah win a brokered convention and the nomination from Romney. They were scared for good reason because Romney was a weak candidate so weak that he did not have enough votes. He had to take votes away from Ron Paul. Boehner was the one who made that decision. I saw it on video and you would have to be deaf dumb and blind not to see what happened. Why do we have so many politicians that are dishonest. Palin is as honest as they come and they try to destroy her. When in the history of this nation has a VP candidate been treated like Sarah Palin. The left and right tried to destroy her but it didn't happen because she is the real deal. She is the honest candidate this country has been looking for

  4. Carol, you showed un-educated ignorance. You do not know the REAL SARAH PALIN. Please, go watch the movie "UNDEFEATED." Then come back and comment.

  5. Carol C. is a troll. A misinformation troll. Tell her good by.

  6. I meant Carol S. not C.

  7. Sarah didn't set up SarahPAC for herself? You actually believe she set it up to help other candidates and yet she gives a whopping 4%, at most, with the majority going to "consultants," most of them already working for her. She may not be alone in what she's doing with her PAC as many alleged candidates pull the same crap, setting up a slush fund that hardly needs to be accounted for, but that doesn't excuse what she has done.

    Palin will NEVER run for President. Not a chance in hell!

    1. Anonymous! I hate to bust your "trollin" bubble. She is already running. She will be our First Lady President...PERIOD
