Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Michelle Obama admitted her husband is from Kenya.

Michelle Obama at a LGBT Delegate Luncheon quoted this~>
"Barrack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa, and visited his home Country in Kenya."
Yes! She said this. Watch and listen. 

Professor Exposes the Real Obama on Mark Levin show! A must see video~>

Sheriff David Clark Warning of 2nd Revolution!

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clark Warning of 2nd Revolution if Gun Control/Confiscation  
laws are passed.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sarah Palin blasts Nancy Pelosi!

"Nancy Pelosi is a dingbat."
-Sarah Palin

Judge Jeanine Pirro "obliterates" Obama!

"We have a President who signs laws. But, doesn't intend to follow."
-Judge Jeanine Pirro

Awakening of a STERN GIANT!

Howard Stern exposing "DUMB OBAMA SUPPORTERS."
He will soon start convincing his listeners to~> Never vote DEMOCRAT.

Sheila Jackson! Seriously? 400 years old?

Rep Sheila Jackson claims that the Constitution is 400 years old.
 Watch "IDIOCY" unfold before your very eyes.
Now we know why D.C. doesn't abide by the Constitution.

A Heavy Dose of Bachmann @CPAC 2014!

Michele Bachmann destroys Hillary Clinton in one sentence.
A must see Video Clip!

Ohh, the Agony of REPEATING!

Al Sharpton repeating after his MESSIAH!

The Question!

This question has been asked of Sarah Palin time and time again. Is she going to run for POTUS 2016? First we have to see what she has been doing so far. So, let's see what she has been doing. She has been doing book signings, endorsements, and recently gave a Keynote speech at the CPAC 2014. She has been hinting on running, without coming right out and saying she is running. I believe she is doing so, to surprise the Left Wing Media when she officially announces her Candidacy. This will be an 'Atomic Bombshell' dropped on the Left Wing Media. She's what I call " A STEALTH CAMPAIGNER." After all she's a Mama Grizzly. This is expected from a Mama Grizzly.

Note: I'll be making a Presidential 2016 race prediction video soon. But, I'll give you all a hint what's in the video. The video title will be called (Sarah Palin vs Hillary Clinton 2016) The 2016 Presidential race, will go down as the most important Presidential race, in American History.
Edited by: Johnny Palinista Carpenter- Founder of Re- establish America with Sarah Palin

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mark Levin "obliterates" Obama!

Sarah Palin to the GOP: "FIGHT LIKE A GIRL."

"We must be numb-skulls here." Sarah Palin slams Michelle Obama!

"OBAMACARE is a facade." Rep Trey Gowdy on the Megyn Kelly show!

Vladimir Putin sends a message to Obama!

Vladimir Putin has more COMMON sense than Barrack Obama could ever dream of having.
Vladimir Putin has very valid points in the video.

Take note Obama! Vladimir is not playing around. You act like he is the "BIGGEST JOKER" on the planet.
In reality 'you are the JOKER of the planet.'

Jeanine Pirro absolutely destroys Hillary Clinton!

 "Which is it? If you didn't know, then you're INCOMPETENT. If you did know, then you're guilty of criminal NEGLIGENCE."
-Jeanine Pirro

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Russia defends Crimea's Referendum.


Sarah Palin rewrites Dr Suess

                             Sarah Palin rewrites Dr Suess~> I don't like this Uncle Sam.