Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Michelle Obama admitted her husband is from Kenya.

Michelle Obama at a LGBT Delegate Luncheon quoted this~>
"Barrack has led by example. When we took our trip to Africa, and visited his home Country in Kenya."
Yes! She said this. Watch and listen. 


  1. Your non-American husband is nothing more than a life support system for the male organ. You speak of laws (case law) Michelle. I may not be a member of the bar association, but I'll bet my right hand (and I'm right handed for the most part) that I could out litigate you without a problem. Both of you make me want to puke. Your wretched, bad karma will be your own demise.

  2. And as for you, Sarah Palin, because you are a politician I have no respect for you; none whatsoever. You're just another overpaid liar that should be kicked to the curb like all other politicians.

    1. Sarah is no ordinary Politician. She is one of us. She Hunts, Fishes, plays sports. She is what I call "an outsider of modern day politics." She is what this Country needs. Time to dump the suits and ties, for boots and jeans.

  3. To reply as "anonymous" tells me that you are spineless. And my statement still and always will stand. Americans need to kick all politicians to the curb. And that includes Palin because shes a politician. Period.

  4. Sarah's track record speaks for itself. She is the REAL DEAL. She has put penny pinching corrupted Politicians in Orange Jumpsuits.

    By: Founder of page

    1. encouraging to see some smart thinkers, not just complainers!
      It's amazing how many get on these mindless bandwagons like the one against Sara Palin! Talk about mindless bashing!
      It's sad that here is one real woman who actually tries to make something real of our country but because she is beautiful and wears nice clothing people can't find enough ways to put her down! Pretty sad!
