Friday, March 21, 2014

Watch Obama lie to one of his "EXHAUSTED" supporters.

She is a Chief Financial Officer for VETS in D.C. This is what she quoted to Obama~>
"Quite frankly! I'm exhausted in Defending you. Defending your Administration." This lady is spot on.


  1. Life is hard for every one but the Obama crew. Wish I could afford one vacation a year much less the many that he and his family takes on my dime. It is a choice of feeding my family or paying for health care. Can't do both!!
    From my lips to Gods ears I sure pray we don't get sick!!!

  2. so full of shit his eyes are brown

    1. The Lady was SPOT ON. Obama was just filling up the room with bull shit "lies." That's what he is best at. His theme is (Excuse me. I'm not done lying yet.)

  3. Just sad. This woman told him she has two girls in private school and as finally made it to a comfortable place in life but their family is now looking at going down hill again. He did not even listen to her. Didn't hear her say she has two girls in private school, didn't answer her question at all. He straight out lied to her because he knows that nothing he has done has been to help any part of the working class people of America. I do not understand how so many people can't see he is dividing and hurting America everyday he stays in office. I was one of those people who was mad at people for voting for him in the first place because I knew he was not qualified for the job. Now I feel for them. They put him there and there must be so many asking them selves why now. To the lady in the video I hope you and your family get back to where you were and that you don't lose too much in the process. Good people all over America are hurting and it is just sad to see. It is time to fix the mistakes of our government and get good honest people in office. And just as important learn to get alone again. We are divided as a whole and it will only get worse if we don't see that as well and fix it. God Bless America and her people.

  4. I see the the liberal trolls that run Youtube deleted it from
