Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Question!

This question has been asked of Sarah Palin time and time again. Is she going to run for POTUS 2016? First we have to see what she has been doing so far. So, let's see what she has been doing. She has been doing book signings, endorsements, and recently gave a Keynote speech at the CPAC 2014. She has been hinting on running, without coming right out and saying she is running. I believe she is doing so, to surprise the Left Wing Media when she officially announces her Candidacy. This will be an 'Atomic Bombshell' dropped on the Left Wing Media. She's what I call " A STEALTH CAMPAIGNER." After all she's a Mama Grizzly. This is expected from a Mama Grizzly.

Note: I'll be making a Presidential 2016 race prediction video soon. But, I'll give you all a hint what's in the video. The video title will be called (Sarah Palin vs Hillary Clinton 2016) The 2016 Presidential race, will go down as the most important Presidential race, in American History.
Edited by: Johnny Palinista Carpenter- Founder of Re- establish America with Sarah Palin


  1. I can't wait to see Sarah Palin,destroy the butcher of Benghazi! Sarah Palin will be the next POTUS,God bless Sarah,and her Family..
