Saturday, May 14, 2016

This is who Trump is up against and poses a threat to.

This is who Trump is up against and poses a threat to.

The Left and Right RINOS.
The UN  (United Nations)
The Federal Government with there unconstitutional Gun ownership background checks.
The Clinton/Bush dynasty.
BLM  (Black Lives Matter)
George Soros.
Mexican drug cartels that's smuggling drugs across the Mexican and California border.
The Chinese Government that has taken advantage of our current, corrupted, un-educated Administration.
The Prince of Saudi Arabia that's demanding us not to elect Trump as our next Commander in Chief.

Here's Trumps response on Twitter to the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

These entities know that Trump will not back down or bow to them. Like Obama has time after time.

Here's Obama bowing to the Prince of Saudi Arabia.
You'll never see Trump bow to the Prince of Saudi Arabia. 

With all the facts on the table. We need Trump as President of our Great Country. He'll will make America Great again.  He has  the track record to prove his attributes. 

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin 

1 comment:

  1. Good article Johnny im the Bryan who owns the Respect Sarah Palin Movement | 21st Century facebook page and The Ronald Reagan Of The 21st Century
