Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama forcing Public Schools into his transgender sick Agenda!

As of May 13, 2016. The President is set to force all Public Schools into his transgender sick Agenda. This will allow gender confused sickos to use the bathroom of their choosing. This also allows registered and non-registered pedophiles to join our wives and children in the bathrooms not only in our public Schools. But, in other facilities as well. We need to unite and call our Congressional leaders to block the executive order if the President decides to use this Unconstitutional method in which he may. He has a high executive order past.
Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin


  1. why arec these opervertsxcibnn washingtonn all must bec recalledcatb oncercthiscisxcagainst bthecusac vuiolastec thec cuituizxenshipmnioathbstateescthatv all douimngbthidcmust be cdeportedcasc ikllegals herec in america amenb thiscoath bmust bgec upheldcall mustv becremovedc atv ioncec frtom offiocexc andcrtghenb bectruiedcamnjenb we hneed camericahn justicecat oncec amebnbn. a.

  2. Obama is the first Homosexual President of the United States of America. He's shoving it down "We the People's" throats
