Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Final showdown between Good and Evil in America!

  It's the final showdown between Good and Evil in America. It's right here on our political stage of the Presidency. God is using Trump like he did King Nebuchadnezzer and others to fulfill his prophecy. Hillary Clinton is a manifestation of the devil in the flesh. Now, it's being said "the war between Palin and Clinton has begun." Palin is being used by God as a MODERN DAY ESTHER SAGE. Trump and Palin are standing tall with our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that our Lord Jesus Christ will put this on the ballots. Trump/Palin 2016 to the White House. I believe this is coming to pass prelude to his second coming. I also believe we will be united once again with Israel before he returns.

The conclusion:
It's Trump and Palin vs the NWO/Anti Christ's Army in the end. They are fighting for the Country we love dearly by the Grace of God. This is my conclusion.

Ending Note: The NWO/Anti Christ's Army wants the strongest Nation/Military to take over. That's America. By the Grace of God. He has sent Trump and Palin as his anointed two to fight for America. We will win in the end. Come, January 2017. Trump will be sworn in the White House. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen!

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dinesh D'Souza: Hillary's America" trailer!

This trailer will put you at a "WOW." 

The Democratic Party is thirsty for complete control over the strongest Nation/Military on Earth. This video proves it. The Democratic party has nothing to hide anymore. We all know what they are secretly withholding now. That's the complete take over/control over the most powerful Nation on Earth. America.
Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

This is who Trump is up against and poses a threat to.

This is who Trump is up against and poses a threat to.

The Left and Right RINOS.
The UN  (United Nations)
The Federal Government with there unconstitutional Gun ownership background checks.
The Clinton/Bush dynasty.
BLM  (Black Lives Matter)
George Soros.
Mexican drug cartels that's smuggling drugs across the Mexican and California border.
The Chinese Government that has taken advantage of our current, corrupted, un-educated Administration.
The Prince of Saudi Arabia that's demanding us not to elect Trump as our next Commander in Chief.

Here's Trumps response on Twitter to the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

These entities know that Trump will not back down or bow to them. Like Obama has time after time.

Here's Obama bowing to the Prince of Saudi Arabia.
You'll never see Trump bow to the Prince of Saudi Arabia. 

With all the facts on the table. We need Trump as President of our Great Country. He'll will make America Great again.  He has  the track record to prove his attributes. 

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama forcing Public Schools into his transgender sick Agenda!

As of May 13, 2016. The President is set to force all Public Schools into his transgender sick Agenda. This will allow gender confused sickos to use the bathroom of their choosing. This also allows registered and non-registered pedophiles to join our wives and children in the bathrooms not only in our public Schools. But, in other facilities as well. We need to unite and call our Congressional leaders to block the executive order if the President decides to use this Unconstitutional method in which he may. He has a high executive order past.
Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Fox News: Ted Cruz drops out of GOP Presidential bid!

Ted Cruz is dropping out of the GOP race, Fox News confirms, following an overwhelming loss to Donald Trump in the Indiana GOP primary. 

Click here for more-> @Fox News http://m.foxnews.com/?cmpid=NL_breaking

By: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin