Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's RARE "but very effective!"

The RARE style Campaign of Sarah Palins!

Let's face facts and reality. Sarah Palin is running an unconventional campaign.This style of campaigning is unheard of. Matter of fact: It's RARE but very effective. This will keep the Media and the Left guessing. But, as her true supporters. We know she's running. She through the hints out for us to know.  An' for the Media and the Left to find out. Here's what her intentions are.

Leave the Left and Media, CLUELESS.
Her true supporters, Validation.

The time frame of her announcement!

She's got plenty of time to officially announce her candidacy. VP Joe Biden said he'll know around August if he's gonna run. So, just relax. There's plenty of time. She's already got the victory in the bag.

Note: She told Hannity that she has a staff in place and it will expand. She's speaking of her Campaign staff.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ready to "DOMINATE" one more time.

               "It's time to take down the                                    ESTABLISHMENT."


Once again the “Great One” Mark Levin is spot on for calling out the shameful way the House GOP leadership is targeting good conservatives like Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and the 33 other members who courageously voted against the fiasco that is Obamatrade that others want to pass before they even know what’s in it. Congressman Meadows and his 33 colleagues deserve our praise, not punishment! But, like the Great One says, apparently the GOP establishment hasn’t learned the lesson of Dave Brat’s unprecedented victory over Eric Cantor last year.

DONOR, I am well aware that you know, I support candidates based on actions, It's a letter next to a name. So will you send a message with me to this broken establishment by donating $1 for every conservative who voted against Obamatrade?

Donate $34 now and lets bring down the establishment!

Click here> to donate, today.

Mark Meadows and the 33 other brave conservatives has become the target of the establishment. So I ask that you stand with me, that you stand with liberty and together let’s build a better America, one that you elect!

With an Alaskan heart,

Sarah Palin

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mr.l weights in on GOP 2016!

"Screw you GOP. We want PALIN."

I'm with you, Mr.L. 
Must watch. 

Posted by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sarah Palin's support base!

  Sarah palin has the largest support base on Facebook and Twitter. Not counting the support from our VETERANS and ISRAEL. The support base is awesome. That's why I say "She's got the victory in the bag." She wins before anything starts. Trust me. I've spent months on surveying her support base. Matter of fact. I started the survey in September of last year. I knew she had a good support base. But, when I did the survey. It "absolutely" astounded me. Hillary Clinton doesn't have a chance.

Note: The only way Hillary Clinton can win against Sarah Palin. Is by the "BIGGEST" voting fraud in voting History. It will make voting fraud of the 2008 and 2012 elections look like nothing.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin