Saturday, June 27, 2015

It's RARE "but very effective!"

The RARE style Campaign of Sarah Palins!

Let's face facts and reality. Sarah Palin is running an unconventional campaign.This style of campaigning is unheard of. Matter of fact: It's RARE but very effective. This will keep the Media and the Left guessing. But, as her true supporters. We know she's running. She through the hints out for us to know.  An' for the Media and the Left to find out. Here's what her intentions are.

Leave the Left and Media, CLUELESS.
Her true supporters, Validation.

The time frame of her announcement!

She's got plenty of time to officially announce her candidacy. VP Joe Biden said he'll know around August if he's gonna run. So, just relax. There's plenty of time. She's already got the victory in the bag.

Note: She told Hannity that she has a staff in place and it will expand. She's speaking of her Campaign staff.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

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