Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sarah Palin's support base!

  Sarah palin has the largest support base on Facebook and Twitter. Not counting the support from our VETERANS and ISRAEL. The support base is awesome. That's why I say "She's got the victory in the bag." She wins before anything starts. Trust me. I've spent months on surveying her support base. Matter of fact. I started the survey in September of last year. I knew she had a good support base. But, when I did the survey. It "absolutely" astounded me. Hillary Clinton doesn't have a chance.

Note: The only way Hillary Clinton can win against Sarah Palin. Is by the "BIGGEST" voting fraud in voting History. It will make voting fraud of the 2008 and 2012 elections look like nothing.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

1 comment:

  1. quoted from a comment on Facebook: If Governor Palin were President right now: There'd be no Obamacare; no amnesty; our borders would be sealed; our military would be strong and treated with the respect it deserves; we'd have been developing our own natural resources all this time instead of sending billions to other countries to develop theirs; we'd have a concrete plan to go after ISIS--"you betcha"; illegal aliens would not be receiving benefits that should rightfully be going to American citizens; Israel would know it has a friend in the United States of America and Prime Minister Netanyahu would be shown the respect he deserves. And this is just for starters.
