Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The reason why the GOP tried to buy Sarah Palin!

 This all started back during the Presidential race in 2008. The GOP tried to buy Sarah Palin to keep two dirty little GOP secrets hush, hush. But, she turned them down and kept it to herself until after John McCain blew his own election. After the election was over. Sarah Palin slowly started to let secrets come out of the GOP closet. One was that the GOP tried to keep her from exposing truth about who Barack Hussein Obama really was. That was one of the two secrets that the GOP tried to silence her on. The other secret is that Senator John McCain is really a Democrat posing as a Republican. Sarah didn't necessarily come out and say Senator John McCain is a Democrat. She let the American Public find that on their own through Educating themselves. It's plain to see that Senator John McCain is in fact a Democrat. He said it ALL when he quoted "I have more in common with the President than I do my own Party."  {RED FLAG ALERT} there. It's quite Obvious that the GOP forgot who the real Sarah Palin was during this Corrupted game playing on AMERICA. This drove Sarah Palin away from the CORRUPTION within the GOP. As for the GOP. It's "GAME ON." YOU BETCHA! You are EXPOSED. The truth is out and you cannot STOP the truth. Oh, and by the way! I hope when Sarah Palin becomes our next President. She throws ALL of you Corrupted, Lying, Betraying tyrants in Orange Jumpsuits. She did it before and shall do it again. This goes for the Obama Administration as well.

Through ALL of this. Sarah Palin stood her ground. She stood for AMERICA & STILL does.

Edited by: Founder of page Johnny Palinista Carpenter

1 comment:

  1. I agree, John McCain did sabatoge his own election. Whether he did it knowingly or not I don't know. He's been in DC long enough to know how to get elected and he didn't do it, willingly or stupidly, who knows.
