Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Suspicious deaths of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart!

What did they know that cost them their lives?

    First things first. I am a Hard Core Tom Clancy fan. I have played all his games and read three of his best Books. When i found out that Tom Clancy passed away. I was upset, but suspicious at the same time. The reason why suspicion sat in within me. It's because shortly after 9/11/01 when the Trade Center went down. Tom appeared on CNN for an Interview of the 9/11 incident. I watched that whole interview. Tom quoted to CNN "This was a beautifully Planned Operation." I wonder what he meant when he quoted that. It was about a year before he passed away. I found out that the CIA was after him for questioning. Does this make you wonder about Toms death? It makes me wonder. It is very ironic when one knows so much about our Government, that they wound up dead.
      When I found about Andrew Breitbart's death. I was in an auto - suspicion mode on the SPOT. Reason for that is because the time frame between his death and Tom Clancy's death. According to my research online. I found a few links that might help find answers to Andrews death. One of the few links I found said something about "Andrew had Wikileaks information." When our very own Government found out that Andrew had this information. Andrew wound up like Tom Clancy. This is very, very suspicious. I'll throw this out for my closing of this briefing. The woman that relinquished Barack Hussein Obama's birth record wound up like Tom and Andrew. One question to all that reads this brief Article. Does this make you suspicious as well?

I'll keep everyone updated when i find out more.

Edited by: Founder of page Johnny Palinista Carpenter


  1. watch your back

  2. It should be passed not past, and there are numerous incomplete sentences where a commas should have been used instead if periods. But, what do I know I'm not an editor.

  3. Sorry for the misspelling. I was using my App on my phone. You know that Auto spell check cannot spell the most simplest word right. But, i corrected the spelling.

  4. I know right I couldn't even correct you without the same thing happening to me. I strongly dislike my phone it gets a little carried away. But, I found the subject matter very interesting. Thanks for putting it out there
