Sunday, May 25, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Boehner Brushes Aside Notion He Is 'Blocking' Immigration Overhaul

Click here to watch~>Boehner Brushes Aside Notion He Is 'Blocking' Immigration Overhaul: In a tense exchange with Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos at a press conference Thursday, House Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, was asked why, roughly a year after the Senate passed sweeping immigration changes, Boehner is "blocking immigration reform.""Me? Blocking?" Boehner replied sarcastically.Boehner, who reiterated again Thursday that most Republicans want to act on immigration but don't trust the president to enforce the law, said he has been calling for reform for more than a year, but that the Senate’s bill is unacceptable.

Ted Cruz nails FBI Director to the wall.

FBI Director gets nailed to the wall by Sen. Ted Cruz.

Must Watch.

STOP these Programs that Allow Illegal Immigration.

 Marc Rosenblum US-Immigration Policy Director Listed four of the many programs that allow Illegal   Immigration. 
                                                                     Must Watch.

Jessie Jane Duff (RET.) SGT. on VA claims!

She is SPOT ON.

Must Watch.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Let's cook the books some more!

Obama Addresses VA Health Care.

Suspicious deaths of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart!

What did they know that cost them their lives?

    First things first. I am a Hard Core Tom Clancy fan. I have played all his games and read three of his best Books. When i found out that Tom Clancy passed away. I was upset, but suspicious at the same time. The reason why suspicion sat in within me. It's because shortly after 9/11/01 when the Trade Center went down. Tom appeared on CNN for an Interview of the 9/11 incident. I watched that whole interview. Tom quoted to CNN "This was a beautifully Planned Operation." I wonder what he meant when he quoted that. It was about a year before he passed away. I found out that the CIA was after him for questioning. Does this make you wonder about Toms death? It makes me wonder. It is very ironic when one knows so much about our Government, that they wound up dead.
      When I found about Andrew Breitbart's death. I was in an auto - suspicion mode on the SPOT. Reason for that is because the time frame between his death and Tom Clancy's death. According to my research online. I found a few links that might help find answers to Andrews death. One of the few links I found said something about "Andrew had Wikileaks information." When our very own Government found out that Andrew had this information. Andrew wound up like Tom Clancy. This is very, very suspicious. I'll throw this out for my closing of this briefing. The woman that relinquished Barack Hussein Obama's birth record wound up like Tom and Andrew. One question to all that reads this brief Article. Does this make you suspicious as well?

I'll keep everyone updated when i find out more.

Edited by: Founder of page Johnny Palinista Carpenter

The reason why the GOP tried to buy Sarah Palin!

 This all started back during the Presidential race in 2008. The GOP tried to buy Sarah Palin to keep two dirty little GOP secrets hush, hush. But, she turned them down and kept it to herself until after John McCain blew his own election. After the election was over. Sarah Palin slowly started to let secrets come out of the GOP closet. One was that the GOP tried to keep her from exposing truth about who Barack Hussein Obama really was. That was one of the two secrets that the GOP tried to silence her on. The other secret is that Senator John McCain is really a Democrat posing as a Republican. Sarah didn't necessarily come out and say Senator John McCain is a Democrat. She let the American Public find that on their own through Educating themselves. It's plain to see that Senator John McCain is in fact a Democrat. He said it ALL when he quoted "I have more in common with the President than I do my own Party."  {RED FLAG ALERT} there. It's quite Obvious that the GOP forgot who the real Sarah Palin was during this Corrupted game playing on AMERICA. This drove Sarah Palin away from the CORRUPTION within the GOP. As for the GOP. It's "GAME ON." YOU BETCHA! You are EXPOSED. The truth is out and you cannot STOP the truth. Oh, and by the way! I hope when Sarah Palin becomes our next President. She throws ALL of you Corrupted, Lying, Betraying tyrants in Orange Jumpsuits. She did it before and shall do it again. This goes for the Obama Administration as well.

Through ALL of this. Sarah Palin stood her ground. She stood for AMERICA & STILL does.

Edited by: Founder of page Johnny Palinista Carpenter

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sarah Palin "unleashes" on the GOP for trashing Sen. Cruz!

Sarah Palin demands Fox News to host the GOP Members that are trashing Senator Ted Cruz.

Must Watch.

Barack Hussein Obama First Illegal President.

First Illegal President of the United States of America!
And should be IMPRISONED.

    Barack Hussein Obama is the First "Illegal President" of the United States of America. He needs to be charged with the following:

1) Having his Birth Records altered and having possession of these "False" documents. Under-18 U.S.C. § 1002 : US CODE -SECTION 1002:

2) TREASONOUS ACTIONS towards the United States of America. Under- 18 U.S. Code § 2385, 18 U.S. Code § 2387 & Under Article 3- Section 3 of the Constitution: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

3) Infringement upon the Constitution of the United States of America. Under the Second Amendment of the Constitution:



A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
4) Invasion of privacy through NSA spying. Under-49 CFR 801.56 Unwarranted of persons privacy.
Note: You have to look up the codes provided. 

Edited by: Founder of page Johnny Palinista Carpenter


Saturday, May 17, 2014


"Put cars on TED CRUZ for a week. We will find solutions."
-Sarah Palin

Must Watch.

Lois Lerner waives her 5th Amendment Right.

Lois Lerner waives her 5th Amendment Right. 
Trey Gowdy "EXPLODES."

Must Watch Trey Gowdy blow the roof off.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pro-life at its best from Sarah Palin!

Sarah Palin gives her view of Hillary Clinton becoming a Grandmother
In a Pro-life manner.

Must Watch.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sarah Palin "blasts" Chris Christie!

Sarah Palin "blasts" Chris Christie in just one sentence.
Must watch this "SMOKIN' HOT'" Clip of Sarah Palin.