Monday, April 14, 2014

My Story

It was my sophomore year of high school, and I had been set in my ways. I thought I was cool with my friends and girlfriend. Oh, how great it was to be liberal. Everyone was on my side. We would hang out and mock those Christian Conservatives. I had been with the GSA club at school. I did every political stance on liberalism. I went to club meetings. I supported the legalization on marijuana. I supported welfare. I wanted all that the liberals had. I hated everything conservative. Well, my parents were not fond of that. I grew up in a Christian home. Raised by Conservatives. No liberal would ever to be found in my family. I never listened to my parents when we had our "talks".(it was basically them yelling at me because of my behavior) It was around the end of my sophomore year, and I went with my mom to see my grandparents. My grandpa gave me a book to read. Well, I took the book. I didn't read it at first. But one night I couldn't sleep. I grabbed the book and started reading. I couldn't stop. Each day, I made small changes. I left a few friends and got into a nice group of guys. By the time school ended, I had apologized to all the Conservatives I mocked. I had to go to summer school, because of poor grades. I found my girl friend there and did the summer school. After summer school, I left her. I had finished the book. At the end, it asked to give your life to Christ. I knew I did before, but where have I gone to? I left Him. Well, I didn't give my life at that moment. My parents sent my off to Church Beach Camp. That whole week, the last passage of the book stuck to me. It was at the end of the week, and we were worshipping is a big tent. I broke down in tears. I went out side with a parent working at the camp. I told her everything, including the book. She and I went back inside where the pastor was speaking about giving your life to Christ. I did it right then and there. I then slowly changed from liberal to Conservative. I got involved with politics. I joined my local TEA Party. I grew through social media. The more days pass on the better I got at politics. I now am the youngest state coordinator for my tea party. I am the youngest person to consider a run for public office. In fact, I will be considering a run in 2015. Now, that very book that started it all was, "Going Rogue" by Sarah Palin. Had it not been for Sarah Palin, I wouldn't be here writing this blog post. Or even considering politics as a way of life.

Posted via Blogaway

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