Sunday, January 24, 2016

Calling on Ted Cruz supporters 'to stop attacking Sarah Palin and her supporters.'

      Since Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump. There has been vicious attacks and lies about Sarah Palin and her supporters from Ted Cruz Supporters. It's been an ongoing thing since the endorsement. Not only Ted Cruz supporters went on the immediate attack. They also went on with absurd lies about Sarah Palin and her supporters.

     Senator Ted Cruz If you were a true friend of Sarah Palin as you say you are. You would tone your supporters down. Here is what some of your supporters are saying about Sarah Palin.
They are saying,
"Sarah Palin owes you another endorsement.
 She doesn't wear her wedding ring.
 She betrayed her Conservative values.
 Donald Trump bought her endorsement."
 This is just a short list of the HOGWASH that's being spewed from some of your supporters. You of all people should know that these accusations are false. You know Sarah Palin cannot and will not be bought.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin

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