Thursday, July 30, 2015

Stop Rewarding Iran!

The Obama Administration does not want Congress to do it’s job and stop this dangerous Iran deal! This deal only makes Iran more bold as they just announced that they will try and buy nuclear weapons. Conservatives must remember history. Prior to WWII, the Allies tried to appease Hitler. They gave him land and time as incentives for not invading more nations. These only made Hitler more bold as this Iran deal only makes this exporter of terror more bold! This deal needs to be killed, but only Congress has the power to kill it once and for good. Let's show Congress what the American people think of this BAD DEAL! Stand with SarahPAC and force Congress to kill the bill! Donate $20 so we can expose the lies the Obama Administration is making in order to appease Iran. Israel, our greatest and closest ally, a bastion of hope for a hopeless region has experienced the relentless terror of Iran through terrorist groups like Hamas first hand. The same Iran that the Obama Administration wants to reward. We can never allow this deal to exist, the safety of all Americans and our allies is at stake. Demand the Obama Administration allow Congress do their job. Protect the American people, protect the American way, protect freedom and liberty. STOP THIS DANGEROUS IRAN DEAL!
Click here➡ to donate, today. 

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