Sunday, July 12, 2015

Stop the Illegal Invasion!


You know we need to secure the border. But now the signs are more clear than ever: last weekend an illegal alien who was deported five times is now accused of murdering a woman in San Francisco. This is a clear sign our border is broken. Our President has failed at his foundation job: protecting us by securing our border. Every day, thousands of illegal aliens will cross the border. If they're caught? They'll be released in your backyard. Will you stand up and demand a President who will fix our broken border? Liberals have created new sanctuary cities, like San Francisco, where illegal aliens can seek shelter. Most of the time to the determent of legal citizens, like a young woman who was recently gunned down in cold blood by an illegal alien. At SarahPAC, we're committed to supporting candidates that have a fair and strong stand against illegal immigration. This problem is affecting our nation, and we can not afford to elect anyone who sees it as anything but a broken border. Join us in supporting candidates who want to fix our broken border by donating $25 now. Click here➡ We need to secure America by giving our border patrol the tools they need to combat this ever-growing wave of illegal aliens. We need to fix our broken border. Donate now to our 2016 Conservative Victory Fund and help end illegal immigration.

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