Friday, July 17, 2015


Stand with Sarah Palin on defunding PLANNED PARENTHOOD!

Planned Parenthood got caught doing something that you won’t believe. I’m angry and I know you will be too. A Planned Parenthood executive was recorded selling aborted baby body parts to undercover citizen activists from The Center for Medical Progress. Planned Parenthood is supported directly by the Federal Government and by many liberal organizations. How is our God so merciful that He seems to grant us unmerited chances time and time again to get it right, whilst this hell on earth continues. In fact, it's becoming more accepted and celebrated by voters choosing to elect our nation's "leaders" who would condone, uplift, and revel in the destruction of all He's so gloriously blessed us with? Demand an end to Planned Parenthood! It’s clear this organization is using federal grants to murder babies and sell the body parts to the highest bidder. We must put an end to this! Donate $20 to make sure those who vote for Planned Parenthood funding meet the stiffest challenge. Congress must stop giving money to an organization with such little regard for human life. Planned Parenthood is a disgrace! Donate now so we can put an end to Planned Parenthood spending your tax dollars for murder!
Click here➡ to donate, today.

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