Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Will Sarah Palin run in 2016?

Yes, Sarah Palin is gonna run. She's given us several hints within the last year.  She's getting us prepared for her NOTABLE ANNOUNCEMENT.  I love her most recent hint.

"We need two women from both sides of the aisle".

With that hint. She was speaking for herself as a Candidate. 

Note: She is a Mama Grizzly.  What do Mama Grizzlies do when they hunt for prey? They get into "stealth mode". That's what she is in now.

Edited by: Founder of Blog, Johnny Lee Berlin


  1. I really hope she does but I wonder with her new TV channel if she will. I think Allen West or Condi Rice would make great running mates.

    1. Nice pair... I agree.

    2. her history is she is very good at following orders so she would be a good VP I would rather have someone who is good at giving responsible order like Allen West

  2. With her experience and background, having already been vetted and raked over the coals by the media, she would be a great president.
