Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sarah Palin will run and win.

Sarah Palin has hinted on several occasions that she is gearing up on the 2016 Presidential race. Her last hint was the official hint on the race.  She quoted "I'm very interested on running for 2016." With that quote. We now have "false" polls coming from GOP supporting websites without Sarah Palin being in the polls. She's got them running SCARED. The GOP has proved time and time again. They are Anti TEA PARTY. They don't want to even consider Sarah Palin as POTUS. That's why they are excluding her from their "false" polls. In the end. Sarah Palin will run and win by a major landslide.
I'll throw this in as a closing editorial note. 
Sarah Palin as President = to the GOP imprisonment. She has played this game with Corrupted Politics while Governor of Alaska. Look where those Corrupted Politics are now. Exactly! They are in prison by the flick of her pen. The GOP knows this. That's why they are absolutely running SCARED of the thought of Sarah Palin as President.

Edited by: Founder of blog, Johnny Lee Berlin