Thursday, October 30, 2014

Will Sarah Palin run and win?

Will Sarah Palin run for the Oval Office and will she win? The answer to both QUESTIONS. Is yes, and yes. Here's what I believe she's waiting for to officially announce her Candidacy. I believe she is waiting on Hillary Clinton to announce her Candidacy. When Hillary Clinton announces her Candidacy. That's when Sarah Palin will officially announce her Candidacy as well. These two women I believe is getting themselves prepared for the POTUS 2016 election. I know without a shadow of a "doubt" Sarah Palin will beat Hillary Clinton by a landslide. Sarah Palin will have Hillary nailed to the wall with the tough questions. Questions like, BENGHAZI. To be completely honest. Hillary doesn't have a chance against Sarah Palin. The LEFT MEDIATES know this. At the end..when you look at Sarah Palin. You are definitely looking at our first woman President of the United States.

Edited by: Founder of page.
Johnny Palinista Carpenter